√ Unexplainable fatigue and not being able to enjoy life to the fullest?
√ Difficulty concentrating during the day leading to poor productivity levels?
√ Skin issues like acne rosacea, or eczema that diminish your confidence?
√ Digestive issues such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?
√ Going doctor to doctor and hearing that a drug cocktail is your best bet?

I never thought I would ever read a book on nutrition, but I happened to come across a copy of this book and read it in one sitting.
We all know that we are absorbing toxic products with all the processed food we eat. But then when we get seriously sick we never really make the link with our food habits. Instead we tend to credit other harmful habits like tobacco or simply bad luck.
This book helps understand how our food habits can really harm our body over time. I don’t think many of its readers look at their food the same way after reading it. It’s not so much in the advice it provides that this book stands out, as the pieces of advice to remain healthy are straightforward and most are well-known. Rather it stands out in terms of opening the reader’s eyes to what’s happening in their body, opening the reader’s eyes to things they already knew but somewhat refused to apply, or see, or think about when it came to their food habits.
It’s a not long read, and it’s definitely worth some of your time. I highly recommend it.
Grab Your Copy Of The Do’s and Donuts: Nutrition Guide & Game Changer Lifestyle

Here is a fraction of what you will learn:
√ A simple attitude that can change your health radically (see page 5).
√ The secret about how I managed to keep my Lupus in remission and how you can keep illness away too!
√ How to get rid of inflammation and its pesky symptoms (see page 24).
√ A way stop diabetes on time before it complicates everything! (page 30).
√ The one single trick you can do right now to slow down aging drastically (see page 19).
√ Find out how to recover the natural vitality of your body and get rid of fatigue on page 35.