
The Reason to Let Go

by | May 21, 2021


The pain we are ridding ourselves from is all the pain that would have come to us in the future

This yoga sutra of Patanjali has a very profound meaning. Sometimes we are dealing with a painfull situation, paying a daily toll for hanging on to it. Think of it as paying ten dollars every day for an issue you stick to for one hundred days (1000 dollars), and to get rid of the issue seems to cost you at least half of that… in ONE payment. It creates the tendency to try to just soothe it down with a small daily payment. The truth is, that sooner or later you will have to pay that ONE big payment anyways, and on top by that time you would have paid as well your daily toll meanwhile you decide to resolve.

There sure is a fee taxed on your health for each day you stay in a painful situation (job, relationship, etc). Nonetheless you stick to it. But really, All the pain we are ridding ourselves from is all the pain that would have come to us in the future. If you can really understand deeply this concept, and be super honest with yourself about the way the situation will lead you to, then you should have the strength to make a choice and pay that ONE payment at once and just let it go, instead of carrying it with you until you HAVE to let it go anyways, or until there is an unchangeable consequence that could keep you living in regret for the rest of your life. The time to get rid of the pain is now, the process will take take place possibly the same way either today or next month, don’t be stubborn.

We often get visitors looking for a mind-reset effect that the mushroom and ayahuasca retreat in Mexico can get to offer, the use of psychedelics, also referred as plant medicine, has been delivering very promising results for an alternative to help overcome circumstantial depression naturally per say, with results sometimes achieving a depression relief for up to six months with only one single moderate dose and proper integration. This type of retreats are a certain type of a positive shock therapy, where people achieve a clarity of mind that things make sense about life goals and orientation, and often times people are able to let go of mild traumas in a way that they process the information different, by means of a changed perception. Our retreats aim to target every possible health resolution, from yoga, meditation, intensive native sweat lodges, Cenote tours and cacao ceremonies, with the intention to provide as much help as possible, as everybody is different and we might need different things to trigger in us a deep intrinsic change. For more information on our Mushroom Retreat in Mexico feel free to get in touch.

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