
Psilocybin: A love Story

I guess the main characters of this story are really compassion and forgiveness, psilocybin was only a tool to get there.

Marc arrived to his retreat with one goal in mind he said, that of getting rid of his ego. In simple terms this was his truth, yet it was beyond a love story where a new journey and new life began.

The Roots

The story of Marc is a very romantic one in deed, a case of love at first sight, where his cabin partner on a trip to Paris was a very special lady, Letitia. Their conversation was amazing and they decided to take it further on a date, and many more. So what was the issue? Well, at the point when they found out she was expecting a baby, everything went on a roller coaster, as they both lived in countries five thousand miles apart. So things boiled down to question relationship, romance, and true love. 

Now, a bit about the background, Marc grew up with a father with issues of alcohol and domestic violence, as did his father himself with Marc’s grandfather. His father left home when at the age of barely fifteen Marc stood up for his mother to stop the violence. On the side of Letitia the father left home when she was very young, so she grew up raised by a strong independent woman, who by instinct of protection raised her to be independent from men, both financially and emotionally. 

Marc had a big heart and was eager to recover this feeling of family love, while Letitia on her side was raised to block this for self-protection. This deep unconscious roots were somewhat spoiling an amazing love story.

The Solution

Marc was somewhat of a high tolerance individual to plant medicine, so it was a matter of patience to reach the desired results for him considering always safety comes first. Yet, at the time when we got there, he was laying down in peace with his eyes covered, when the miracle happened… suddenly he just uncovered his eyes to show a deep peace within and with eyes shining bright he said “that’s it, I got it, I don’t need to try anything anymore, I am just there, thank you”. I can still feels goosebumps from witnessing this. He expressed that he always felt like he was “trying” to forgive his dad, and trying to get the love he needed from Letitia, yet he came to a point of being in peace with how everything was and embrace that he loved her no matter what, and also very importantly to not just try but actually forgive his dad with a very deep sense of compassion for him as he lived the same himself when he was young. I saw Marc the next day and the first thing he said to me, “Guess who told me ‘I love you’ for the first time last night?” I was very surprised and extremely happy to hear this, as Letitia was not very keen with our therapies, but it is very interesting, and much beyond my understanding, how when one changes, things beyond ourselves even thousands of miles away can also change for the good. The story was not one of letting go of ego but of a man with a lot of kindness and a big heart doing everything in his hands to make things work for the woman he loves and a baby who was on his way, to give birth to a loving family. Some time later received an ultrasound image with future dad saying “…Someone says hello from over here!”


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