
The Famous Antioxidants

by | Aug 24, 2020

Don’t let me scare you with a bit of chemistry, it’s easy to follow! Free radicals are molecules that are missing 1 electron. Antioxidants have the ability to give them that 1 electron and with receiving it free radicals turn into healthy atoms which are stable. If these would not be stabilized, they would be taking it away from other components, such as DNA and cell membranes, causing them harm. There are several factors that influence their presence in our bodies. These free radicals are caused by poor nutrition, smoking, pollution, UV rays, radiation, some type of medicine (e.g. paracetamol) and stress.

Antioxidants are the defense system against free radicals. There are several agents that belong to this complex, such as lipoic acid, ubiquinone and catalase and many others that you would have a hard time to remember because they are way too long and unpopular. But! For sure you have heard of vitamins. Well, 2 of them are participating in this defense mechanism. These are Vitamin C and E.

The vitamins

Vitamin C

In the old days, there was a disease on ships, scurvy; and no one knew for a while why it only occurred to the seamen. More people died from scurvy than in the American civil war. Some were saved because they ate rats, getting some vitamin C in their bodies. And here is the secret that is so obvious for us, they died in vitamin C deficiency. On the long voyages they did not have access to vegetables and fruits and within a couple of weeks they showed the signs of weakness and bleeding gums. Thanks to Dr. Lind who swore on lemons, many sailors’ life was saved and later on it was compulsory to take lemon juice on board.

The necessary amount is 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women, but if you smoke you should consume an additional 35 mg daily. The absorption is around 70-90% at intake levels up to 200mg/day. If higher amounts are consumed, absorption rate is lower and any excess is excreted with the urine. The extra vitamin C can be partially used by bacteria in the colon but it might come with some discomfort. It not only acts as an electron donor to free radicals, but participates in functions with enzymes, collagen and synthesis of other vital compounds. And of course what you have possibly already heard during flu season, it strengthens the immune system. Deficiency can lead to cancer and heart disease and of course, scurvy.

Most animals synthesise their own vitamin C, except humans, monkeys and guinea pigs. It is mostly found in citrus fruits, peppers, and green vegetables and it’s not found in animal products. The best sources are red pepper, guava, kiwi, strawberries, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and many other vegetables and fruits.

Vitamin E

It is especially working on the reaction that involves fat molecules. It stops the chain reactions that are caused by free radicals and could potentially damage cell membranes. Vitamin E is found in both plant and animal foods, but plant based foods are by far the best sources. The highest content is in   nuts and oils and it is often in seafood. It is found in sunflower seeds, almonds, hazelnuts and oils from these nuts. Moreover, it is in pine nuts, goose meat, salmon, trout, avocado and mango.

Vitamin E is widely used as an additive, for example in vegetables oils, where it functions as an antioxidant. It is easily destroyed by heat, oxygen, light and metals. Have you ever wondered why oil is sold in dark bottles? To reduce the light reaching the oil itself and therefore protecting its vitamin E content!






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