Life Synergy Blog
Learn more about nutrition, meditation and yoga !
Effects of Yogic Lifestyle on Diabetes
Yoga can alleviate stress, which is linked with higher cortisol levels and accumulation of fat around the tummy which increases blood sugar levels.
To maintain homeostasis, our mindset plays a role. The attitude we choose towards stressful situations can make a big difference.
Recognize These Eating Patterns?
How often do you find yourself eating unaware of the richness and textures of your food, but rather eating like a robot as fast as you can? Food mindfulness can change your life.
Practical Nutrition
How can we really know what to eat nowadays with so much information out there? Here are some answers!
Surrender to Bliss
What are the benefits of meditation and where can you attend a meditation retreat to kickstart your practice and learn the how-to?
Subtle Bodies, Magic, and Mahamudra
Our judgement plants seeds in our mind that affects our happiness and the magic of the present moment.
Are you a Gatekeeper to your Meditation Practice?
Sometimes our own biggest enemy is nothing but ourselves, and this is no exception when it come to retreat in meditation
Loose and Natural: Tantra in Everything
Tilopa was one of the great tantra teachers, to be loose and natural is one of the simple yet powerful precepts from his song of Mahamudra.
Small Changes, Lasting Results
Holotropic breathwork is mostly known as a deep and intense breathing technique which allows tapping into one’s emotions and mind.
Fight Diabetes with This Simple Recipe
Holotropic breathwork is mostly known as a deep and intense breathing technique which allows tapping into one’s emotions and mind.