Life Synergy Blog
Learn more about nutrition, meditation and yoga !
The Famous Antioxidants
You have heard of antioxidants for sure, right? But did you know they are masking themselves as vitamins in some cases?
Timing your meals can be a game changer
Religious or not, pursuing a goal weight or going for the health benefits. So many variations of fasting and one way or another they are all beneficial. TIme restricted eating is an everyday habit that can bring you several benefits.
The Omega Power
Fats are essential for our health together with the other food groups. Even more essential are the essential fatty acids. Have you heard of omega-3 and 6?
What is AGE?
AGE is in all food but the preparation method can influence its levels. Some methods are preferred over others, but how much do you know about these molecules? If you have never heard of them before, this is for you!
The inhabitants of your guts
Microorganisms cover your body inside and outside and they participate in so many processes. What do they do in you your digestive system?
The body’s building blocks
For sure you know LEGO the game. If humans were built that way, the different cubes would be proteins.
How much of the food you eat can your body actually use?
Some things are harder for your body to digest and utilize than others. Bioavailability shows what foods are easier to use up and what can be difficult. Some tips how to make your digestive tract’s job simpler!
Don’t worry, be healthy!
Breath in and breath out! And you are already calmer! Stress became a normal thing in most people’s life and it is not beneficial for the health.
Have you eaten anything fermented? It is time then!
Wonderful things can happen in a jar if you put in some veggies and you close it. Fermented foods are becoming popular, spicing your meals up and improving your health!
Sleep for your health
‘Sleep on it’ they say. Or you probably have taken a beauty sleep, haven’t you? These are all part of the languge for a reason. Sleep is essential for our well being and you won’t cut down on the hours spent asleep after reading this. Here are some tips as well to improve your sleep!