
Have you eaten anything fermented? It is time then!

by | Jun 29, 2020

Fermenting is an ancient technique that was used for preserving food and to bring new taste to dishes. Olives wouldn’t be edible without being fermented and well what a world it would be without them. We wouldn’t have yoghurt or cheese, and the list goes on. Historically fermentation was used on meat, fish, dairy, vegetables, soybeans, legumes, cereals and fruits. Since then the nutritional value of fermented foods has been recognized and several countries recommend their consumption. It’s in most households nowadays for one of these reasons.

What is is exactly?

Fermenting is a process during which food or beverage goes through controlled microbial growth and enzymatic conversion of its components. It might sound a bit difficult but it simply means that during fermentation bacteria break down various elements of the initial ingredients. The food itself can already possesses all the microorganisms needed for fermentation, like when it comes to making sauerkraut or kimchi. While producing kefir, kombucha, or natto, a starter culture has to be added. This starter can be either natural, like in ‘backslopping’. The same when making sourdough bread, a small amount of a previously fermented batch is added to the raw food. Or standard commercial starters can be the initiator of fermentation.

And it’s good for you because… 

Every batch of fermented goods is different, because the foods and spices are not the same and the bacteria can be different as well. It is important to keep in mind not to expect the exact same taste from a different batch of sauerkraut. Even though the different fermented foods vary in the way of making and the ingredients, they all contain microorganisms and therefore these foods may be able to help your body work better because:

  • they can compete with harmful bacteria and participate with immune-regulatory processes
  • the produced lactic acid bacteria generates bioactive compounds that have potential effects on cardiovascular, immune and metabolic health
  • they contain prebiotics (food for the good bacteria in your guts) and vitamins (B2, B9, B12, K)
  • they can help to deliver probiotics to the gut
  • it can reduce toxins and anti-nutrients, that might increase the tolerance of these foods for patients with digestion issues
  • can help lactose intolerant people to digest lactose

The most popular products nowadays, of course after cheese, are kombucha, sauerkraut, tempeh, natto, miso, kimchi. Fermenting has been more and more favoured in the general public lately, since it’s possible to make your own ferments with very little equipment and they have a great taste on top of the health benefits.

These fermented goods play an important role in the retreats as well. They are part of the meals regularly and if you have the chance you will get an insight of how they are made! Fermented ketchup, BBQ sauce, kombucha… Life Synergy is waiting for you!



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