
Ginger, your health’s protector

by | Jun 1, 2020

Ginger is widely used in teas, dishes and as a supplement as well. It is not only a spice, but it has been used as medicine for more than 2000 years. Even back in the day its benefits were recognized and taken advantage of. The list is very long when it comes to the effects of it on the body, from such as easing pain during a sore throat to more complex ones, like a side treatment for dementia. 

But what is this powerful plant?

The ginger we know is the root of a plant which even brings flowers, so it can be grown for its appearance on top of its importance for its roots. Its name is originated from a Sanskrit word ‘shringavera’, aptly meaning ‘shaped like a deer’s antlers’. It is consumed raw or powdered and is ingredient of many meals, especially in Asian cuisine. It mostly constitutes of carbohydrates, that give the specific odour to it, oils that cause the pungent taste and several other compounds, such as proteins, raw fiber, ash, vitamins (A and B3) and minerals. 

Its superpower is…

It is widely used in households to treat colds, fever and nausea, but it is much more powerful than that. It has two active components, gingerol and shogaol, that gift ginger with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor and anti-allergic values. It has positive effects on the nervous system too. And to really see what it is able to do, it has been used as a remedy for treatment of diabetes, obesity, diarrhoea, allergies, pain, fever, rheumatoid arthritis, infectious diseases, sprains, muscular aches, pains, cramps, hypertension, dementia, migraine, gingivitis, toothache, asthma, stroke and various gastric ailments.

No wonder why it has been an important part of healing since ancient times, raw or not, consumed or simply applied on the skin as a paste, it has obvious beneficial effects on the body.


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