
The Omega Power

by | Aug 10, 2020

The 3 main building blocks of foods are protein, carbohydrates and fats. Diet programs focus on lowering or increasing one or the other, but after all they are all necessary for proper bodily function. A subgroup of fats are the essential fatty acids, these ones your body is not able to synthesize therefore must be consumed with meals. They are known by the name of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and they are more important than you think.



There are different forms  of Omega-3, from both animal and plant sources. The ones from animals are readily accessible for the human body and can be found mainly in marine animals such as salmon, mackerel and cod. On the other hand, plant based Omegas need to be changed in order to be available for utilization, which can be done in our body. Good sources of plant based omega-3s are vegetable oils, seeds, and nuts; such as flaxseed, chia seed and walnuts. They have an anti-inflammatory effect in the body. They lowers the risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, age-related cognitive decline, periodontal disease, rheumatoid arthritis, depression and other mental disorders.

Omega-6 are inflammatory fatty acids. They can be found in high doses in processed foods and cereals. Healthier sources are walnuts, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds and safflower oil. Omega-6 also promote thrombosis, the narrowing of blood vessels, and the increase of blood viscosity.

Past and present

40 000 years ago our genetics established and have not shifted much since. Unlike our diet, which has been constantly changing, and today’s average diet is far from the one of our ancestors’. The processed foods, the different timing of meals, preparation methods, etc. The times of our genetics date from way before the agricultural revolution, before grains and cereals were introduced. The hunter-gatherer food resources were mostly fruits and green leafy plants, fish, meat and honey. You see the difference? Modern lifestyle is not quite similar, unfortunately, and our bodies can struggle with many issues regarding this big shift, remarkably about the ratio of omega-3 and 6,

There is in general higher prevalence of omega-6 in the foods and the preference for these products is also greater than the ones containing omega-3. We must find the balance. The ratio nowadays is 16/1 – omega-6/omega-3. No surprise the human body cannot handle such a shift without consequences, as this should be 1-2/1. The predominance of omega-6 foods has to be balanced out with omega-3. Decreasing products high in omega-6 can make it easier to consume enough omega-3. The right ratio can make sure the body is functioning well and reverse or slow down inflammation-related and chronic diseases. Even though, the ratio regarding illness can vary from one to another.

If you would like to learn more about the topic you can find more information in the Do’s and donuts!


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