
Which Yoga Retreat Option Should You Choose?

by | Nov 12, 2020

What should a wellness yoga retreat do for you?

With so many options out there for yoga retreats, it can be difficult sometimes to choose the right option for you. The truth is that what works for one person may or may not work the same way for another. Therefore it is important that you make sure that the style of yoga is the one your body needs, that the diet from the wellness retreat is one that adapts to your goals or that aligns with your values. Make sure you always read through all the information of what you are booking, location reviews, etc. Make sure you retreat at least once a year to reset your mind, your body, and even your emotions. The benefits from taking this time for yourself go a long way to improve every area of your life.

Our wellness retreats are a mix of:

  • Nutritional Medicine Workshops: This is the specialty of our wellness retreats… Teaching how to eat healthy and even more delicious than ever! Just talking about nutrition and the do’s and dont´s does not change your habits, that is why we want to get you involved in the preparation of food, providing ideas about how to make you meal as healthy as possible without sacrificing the good flavors that we all love.

  • Daily Pranayama: Prior to doing yoga we will work on the awareness of the breath, to help the flow of your yoga practice, and build up on your self-awarenes.

  • Daily Restorative Alignment: With the use of a specialized prop (The BackMitra), to help restore the spine to its natural shape, promoting flexibility of intervertebral disks to prevent future injuries. This technique also loosens the tension in the shoulders and opens the chest. Refer to the hyperlink video for a full detailed explanation.

  • Breath Expansion: It is possible to approach flexibility from the inside, working with the breath. This promotes a deep sense of relaxation and well being. It can also help develop flexibility during yoga in a passive and safe, but effective way.

  • Health Coaching Sessions: Prior to your arrival we would like to review your case with you. Also throughout the duration of the wellness retreat we will set up a comfortable time for you to review your current habits, and one 30 minute coaching once a week the following four weeks.

  • Daily Meditation: Some thought management exercises, emotional intelligence exercises, and zen meditation.

  • 75 minute therapy: to choose/combine from integrative bodywork, lymphatic drainage, sports massage, anti cellulite massage, deep tissue massage,  reflexology, ayurvedic massage.

  • Organic food: As organic as it is available! We seek for the best local food on different markets and some specialty organic items we bring from the United States.

  • Accommodation:  We host our wellness retreats at one of the beautiful locations to choose from our options.


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