Yin Yoga – A Fountain for Youth

Yin Yoga also known as the fountain of youth
When most people think of yoga they either think about stretching the muscles or more the flow kinda yoga. However there is also another type of yoga called Yin Yoga.
Yin yoga focusses on something different then other yoga styles. Yin yoga is focused on something that is called the fascia in our body.
The Process
You must be thinking.. Fascia I have never heard of that. Well fascia is actually everywhere in your body, it is the connective tissue. It is the support system that keeps our whole body together. It is found around the organs, muscles, bones and nervous system. It is a very important part of our body as you can imagine. What is fascinating is that all the fascia is connected in our body like one big web. So it is all working together with each movement we do during the day. Practicing Yin Yoga will help you work on your fascia.
So you must be wondering what does that have to do with the fountain of youth?
To start of Yin yoga focuses on the parasympathetic nervous system, you are going into the rest and digest state in your body. You are calming the mind and learning how to surrender. This will help you benefit dealing with stress. I think we all know that stress is occurring maybe too much in today’s society and affecting our overall health. However releasing stress and surrendering can also be done doing other activities as going into nature, going for a walk, etc.
What really makes Yin yoga stand out is the creation of hyaluronic acid. This might sound familiar and it can be, because hyaluronic acid is used a lot in anti aging creams. Hyaluronic acid is a natural moisturizer. Aging is generally not enough circulation in our body to the deeper tissues. We get stiffer, drier and tighter around our whole body. This is where Yin yoga can work its magic.
So one of the principles of Yin yoga is to stay around 3-5 minutes in the same pose. It takes about 90 seconds for the body to move the stretch to the deeper tissues. The body then starts to produce the molecules to bounce back from that stretch. Hyaluronic acid attracts water molecules to moisturize the tissue naturally. Old cells will be able to be removed and new cells can be created and fed.
Yin yoga will help you with stiffness in your whole body and the release of toxins that might be stored in the deeper tissues. You can join a Yoga Retreat in Mexico incorporating yin yoga.
Very interesting don’t you think? Well it is definitely worth a try to see what Yin yoga does to your body. I am very interested in what you felt after your Yin yoga class. I remember mine as clear as day.
I walked out of the studio over the canals in the city of Amsterdam and could only think of one thing:
I want to be able to teach this to other people so they can experience the feeling I am feeling right now.. and that is why I am now a Yin Yoga teacher.
I hope that one day I can inspire you to follow one of my classes.
Enjoy your time on the mat.