Yin Yoga – A Fountain for Youth
When most people think of yoga they either think about stretching the muscles or more the flow kinda yoga. However there is also another type of yoga called Yin Yoga.
Yoga: The Physical Benefits
Yoga practice provides us many specific physical benefits
Effects of Yogic Lifestyle on Diabetes
Yoga can alleviate stress, which is linked with higher cortisol levels and accumulation of fat around the tummy which increases blood sugar levels.
To maintain homeostasis, our mindset plays a role. The attitude we choose towards stressful situations can make a big difference.
Pranayama is the formal, but natural, practice of controlling and extending the breath – the source of our vital life force.
Which Yoga Retreat Option Should You Choose?
With so many options out there for yoga retreats… How do you find the one for you?
Yoga, mindfullness and the immune system
Meditation and yoga makes you feel good, but how does it affect your health?
Restorative Alignment
Holotropic breathwork is mostly known as a deep and intense breathing technique which allows tapping into one’s emotions and mind.
Yoga: The Physical Benefits
Yoga practice provides us many specific physical benefits
How can you use a mantra for therapy?
A mantra can be seen as an instrument of the mind , they are a powerful, sacred sounds or vibrations that can be used to enter a deep state of meditation.