Psilocybin: A safer alternative to 21st century mood disorders
Psilocybin: A safer alternative to 21st century mood disorders Anxiety and depression, and all its disparaging effects, seem to be the epidemic of our time. Itplagues every population from our children to our elderly nowadays. Despite revolutionarytechnological tools,...
Nutrition Challenge: Take Back Your Health, and GET LIT!
Nutrition Challenge: Take Back Your Health, and GET LIT! Hello! Welcome to your shopping list to make the best out of your GET LIT challenge! Nutrition is a MUST to give your body all the resources to make the best out of your trainings, enhance your metabolism,...
From Ancient Rituals to Revolutionary Therapies: Tracing 6,000 Years of Altered Consciousness
From Ancient Rituals to Revolutionary Therapies: Tracing 6,000 Years of Altered Consciousness Commonly referred to as hallucinogens, psychedelics are chemical substances thatalter ordinary sensory perceptions, challenging the conditions and criteria typicallyregarded...