Life Synergy Blog
Learn more about nutrition, meditation and yoga !
Improving your Quality of Life through Ayurveda
Holotropic breathwork is mostly known as a deep and intense breathing technique which allows tapping into one’s emotions and mind.
Behind Magic Ceremonies
What is the preparation behind the magic mushroom, ayahuasca and psychedelic ceremonies? A few important elements worth mentioning…
Psilocybin: A love Story
A challenging love story, a mushroom retreat, metaphysics, and love conquering!
Yoga: The Physical Benefits
Yoga practice provides us many specific physical benefits
Traditional Mayan Healing at Life Synergy
Interview with a traditional Mayan healer and dear friend of Life Synergy.
Lighten Up
A meditation can lighten up your mood and improve your day drastically, giving you a fresh perspective and focus on the positive side of life.
Fight Age With This Ceviche
The way we cook out protein meals can impact our aging process by affecting AGE’s (advanced glycation) So try ceviche instead of cooking!
Effects of Yogic Lifestyle on Diabetes
Yoga can alleviate stress, which is linked with higher cortisol levels and accumulation of fat around the tummy which increases blood sugar levels.
To maintain homeostasis, our mindset plays a role. The attitude we choose towards stressful situations can make a big difference.
Recognize These Eating Patterns?
How often do you find yourself eating unaware of the richness and textures of your food, but rather eating like a robot as fast as you can? Food mindfulness can change your life.