Fight Diabetes with This Simple Recipe

Fight Diabetes with This Simple Recipe

Fight Diabetes with This Simple Recipe Lentil salad with goat cheese and fermented cinnamon apples We have all heard about diabetes and how prevalent it has become. In fact, over the last 35 years the number of adults diagnosed with diabetes has almost quadrupled to...
Disease Preventing Salad Dressing

Disease Preventing Salad Dressing

Disease Preventing Salad Dressing After having lived in Tuscany for a few months, I could not get over the mediterranean style of using olive oil as a dressing… on everything! Olive oil has a good reputation for being a healthy fat, and it is in deed, besides...
Start Fresh with The Maltese Bruschetta Appetizer

Start Fresh with The Maltese Bruschetta Appetizer

Start Fresh with The Maltese Bruschetta Appetizer This great-tasting starter is usually served with crunchy unleavened type of Maltese bread, which is unfortunately known  for its high levels of mercury. So here it is “à la tostada” ! … Served on a...
The Only Smoothie Recipe You Need

The Only Smoothie Recipe You Need

The Only Smoothie Recipe You Need There are many good things to be known about spinach apart from the famous boost of strength that the pipe-smoking sailor-man Popeye used to take from it when faced with trouble. The dark green leaves contain high levels of...
Fighting Depression with Nutrition

Fighting Depression with Nutrition

Fighting Depression with Nutrition Depression is a mental illness with many possible symptoms, such as irritability, low self-esteem, muscle tension, reckless behavior and sadness. Some people also experience changes in their appetite, like over- or undereating or an...
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