From Ancient Rituals to Revolutionary Therapies: Tracing 6,000 Years of Altered Consciousness
From Ancient Rituals to Revolutionary Therapies: Tracing 6,000 Years of Altered Consciousness Commonly referred to as hallucinogens, psychedelics are chemical substances thatalter ordinary sensory perceptions, challenging the conditions and criteria typicallyregarded...
Magic Mushrooms And The Power of Letting Go
Magic Mushrooms And The Power of Letting Go Alex reached out to join us for a retreat. He had tried antidepressants for over a decade without too much luck. Seemed as if he was somehow just slightly numbing the manifestations of a trauma but without actually...
Behind Magic Ceremonies
Behind Magic Ceremonies Many people from the ‘western civilization’ have not heard much about magic ceremonies. Our society lost the culture of the constructive use of psychoactive plants. Many cultures in the world use psychoactive plants. Some of them are very aware...
Psilocybin: A love Story
Psilocybin: A love Story I guess the main characters of this story are really compassion and forgiveness, psilocybin was only a tool to get there. Marc arrived to his retreat with one goal in mind he said, that of getting rid of his ego. In simple terms this was his...